
Radio France : radios, podcast

Radio France



15.9 MB


Varies with device

Updated: May 09, 2023 (May 09, 2023) 最新版本
4.6 (99696 评论)

Description of Radio France : radios, podcast

L’appli Radio France vous permet d’écouter la radio et tous les podcasts de France Inter, France Culture, France Musique, Mouv', Fip, France Info et France Bleu.
Ecoutez la radio en direct, ou en podcast.
Retrouvez vos émissions radio et chroniques favorites, suivez l’actualité en direct et écoutez toute la musique que vous voulez : rap, classique, jazz, electro, hip hop, rock, pop... en illimité, où que vous soyez !

📻 Ecoutez la radio en haute définition (France Culture, France Musique, Mouv’, FIP, France Info …)
🌍 Suivez toutes les infos en direct radio à tout moment de la journée.
🎵 Découvrez les radios musicales thématiques (classique, pop, jazz, rock, rap … )
📢 Ecoutez le meilleur de la radio et du podcast, vos émissions préférées (Affaires sensibles, Les pieds sur terre, Le moment Meurice...) en suivant la grille des programmes.
Avec la grille des programmes de chaque radio, retrouvez le planning de vos émissions préférées facilement, en direct et en podcast.

Le direct radio et toutes les radios musicales en qualité supérieure.
🔊 La musique en haute qualité : Profitez de la qualité sonore supérieure (HLS) de nos flux, particulièrement adaptée à l'écoute de toutes nos musicales, des playlists, des concerts, etc...
📓 Métadonnées précises : Identifiez tout de suite quel artiste vous écoutez, album, date de sortie, pochette… tout est disponible !
🎵 La playlist infinie : Pas de pub pendant votre écoute du direct et des radios musicales, écoutez… à l’infini.

Pour vous faciliter la vie, nous avons réuni dans une seule et même appli les différentes radios du groupe Radio France, en direct radio et en podcast.
France Inter : la 1ère radio de France, restez informé des dernières actualités, retrouvez vos chroniques favorites (Le 7/9, La revue de presse, Boomerang, Par Jupiter...) et écoutez tous nos podcasts.
France Culture : toute la radio en podcast, que serait la vie sans les podcasts de France Culture ? Plongez dans nos émissions et écoutez le meilleur du podcast, dédié à la culture, la philosophie et l’art sous toutes ses formes. La radio du futur.
France Musique : faites confiance à la référence de la radio classique et du jazz, et maintenant aussi en podcast.
Mouv’ : radio rap, hip-hop, pop-culture ... écoutez les derniers sons et suivez toute l'actu de la planète rap & hip hop !
FIP : la playlist infinie. La radio que le monde nous envie. De la musique à volonté et en illimité. Découvez les pépites jazz, pop, électro, rock, groove et bien d'autres !
France Info : 1ère radio d'info en France. Suivez les news 24h/24, 7j/7. L'info en continu et en temps réel. Sans oublier le podcast info.
France Bleu : la radio de proximité, accédez aux infos locales et à toute l’actualité de votre région en quelques clics.

Chacun son style de musique, chacun sa radio musicale.
Ecoutez aussi nos 24 radios musicales, 100% musique avec Mouv' , FIP et France Musique.

🔎 Explorez le plus grand catalogue de podcasts francophones : culture, art, news, sciences, histoire, livre audio … Trouvez le podcast qu’il vous faut !
📚 Retrouvez vos podcasts et chroniques préférés classés par thème ou via un moteur de recherche.

Retrouvez sur Android Auto le direct des radios et les locales de votre région ainsi que vos podcasts favoris ou téléchargés.

L'application évolue régulièrement, nous sommes à l'écoute de vos suggestions ou remarques via l'option "contact".
A bientôt sur Radio France, l’application officielle de la radio publique (et ses podcasts) française.


99696 评论
John Molendijk
Excellent podcasts spanning a large range of interests and always up to high standards, I can only recommend.
Sinoda T
Fantastic range of music
Perfect until the most recent update (26 Nov 2020), which broke the "Standby" menu function; the others (Alarm, Settings, Contact Us) appear to work correctly. Fix this, and the app will be perfect again.
stevie field
The range music should be followed by others
rares craciunas
Probably the worst radio app I've ever used. The queue-ing functionality is just horrible. It makes is really difficult for you to change the quqeue order. Some podcasts just misteriously disappear if I try to change the position in the queue
Stéphane Du Mortier
deleting loaded episodes does not work regularly. had to reset the app twice
Love fip , but the song playing, the "heart"/ like button and track name don't match or update in time
Arthur Gilly
Audio stops playing for no reason. Very simple app yet buggy.
Kim H.
Buffer doesn't work well. I can listen for around 3 minutes and then the audio stops and needs to rebuffer, sometimes I need to switch on the screen again. Annoying.
Lucas Varga
I absolutely love the the app. The only thing I finish to understand is why there are two different ones, one with the red icon and the other with blue, they apparently do the same... I know it's a silly question, but I would like to hear from you about the differences to help me to choose one of them. Merci!!
A Google user
A lot of the older episodes aren't available for download and certain episodes don't play sometimes. But other than that, this is a great app to listen to French radio programmes.
sophie lepinoy
Stops after 5-20 minutes. Since January 2023, when playing any podcast, it stops after anything between 5 and maybe 20 minutes. The podcast episode is not responsive. The the only option is to wait until it starts again or listen to setting else and come back to it later. I m using a Google pixel ... I think it is 4 (not latest).
Francis Cash
Well laid out app. The content is the thing though. All free (and ad free) stations playing excellent music in many genres. It's a service to the world that anyone can stream it all without a subscription.
A Google user
Major buffering issues. Doesn't work well, when mobile network is not A-grade. Ergonomy and App navigation could be seriously improved. The app is desapointing vs. the high quality contents/podcasts presented by Radio France. Développeurs should go back to workbench.
Youssra Ajattar
I'm using this application to learn more about French culture and improve my French listening skills. It's good so far, but it would be perfect if there was a possibility to easily access podcast scripts to better keep up with what's being said. This app and its content are still great.
Julien Coullet
(French native in the UK) Great app, stable, fast and clear. Great content, varied, interesting and refreshing. Two caveats though, no interfaces language change? And somehow, the live player doesn't show the artist and track.
Dee Molloy
awesome content, good app. sometimes it was not easy to find what I wanted or to save episodes... but maybe I have to get used to the app. also I would like to be able to download transcripts of documentaries. all around absolutely excellent radio.
Kevin Danks
Excellent. I had been using the individual apps for France Inter, Culture, FIP and Musique, but this brings everything into one app. Like a French equivalent of BBC Sounds, I especially like the list of genres in the search - makes it easy to find things I wouldn't otherwise have come across.


Updated: May 09, 2023

May 09, 2023
15.9 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France


Updated: April 25, 2022

April 25, 2022
21.5 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: March 22, 2022

March 22, 2022
19.2 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France


May 28, 2021
32.8 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: April 26, 2021

April 26, 2021
16.5 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: April 22, 2021

April 22, 2021
19.1 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: April 01, 2021

April 01, 2021
17 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: February 11, 2021

February 11, 2021
15.2 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: December 07, 2020

December 07, 2020
14.7 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: November 26, 2020

November 26, 2020
14.7 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France

Updated: October 28, 2020

October 28, 2020
14.7 MB Size
Android Varies with device
La version Automotive de l'application Radio France



Radio France : radios, podcast - APK 信息

最新版本: Updated: May 09, 2023
包名: com.radiofrance.radio.radiofrance.android
安卓兼容性: Varies with device
开发者: Radio France
隐私政策: https://www.radiofrance.com/politique-d-utilisation-des-cookies-sur-les-sites-internet-du-groupe-radio-france
名称: Radio France : radios, podcast
大小: 15.9 MB
下载量: 1M
版本: Updated: May 09, 2023
发布日期: May 09, 2023
包名: com.radiofrance.radio.radiofrance.android
开发者: Radio France