
momondo: Flights, Hotels, Cars







191.2 (Oct 27, 2023) 最新版本
4.8 (61828 评论)

Description of momondo: Flights, Hotels, Cars

Find, compare and book flights and hotels with momondo’s beautiful all-in-one travel app.

Search and compare billions of flight and hotel prices all over the world from wherever you are, faster than ever before. It’s free, easy, fun to use and you can save money and time when booking your next vacation or trip! So why pay more for the same when you can find the best here? momondo is independent and we’re dedicated to price transparency for all travelers!

• We search major airlines, low cost carriers and travel agencies to give you the best flight ticket comparison there is
• With this booking app, you can book a flight directly from your device wherever you are
• Price Calendar helps you find the best airfare deals for your budget by showing the average prices on different dates in an interactive calendar
• Filter tickets quickly and easily by stops, departure or arrival time, airlines, airport, ticket type and travel site
• Cheapest, quickest or best flight deal? With one click you can see which ticket is the best deal for you. All you have to do is choose and you are ready to travel the world!
• Not ready to book? Save your results for later, or share them via email or text
• Beautiful and easy to use – finding the perfect air travel doesn’t have to be tricky and dull

• Search all the major booking and hotel comparison sites as well as individual hotel websites
• We find you the very best possible deals, thanks to our powerful and hardworking robots
• Find last minute deals with the Near Me Tonight feature
• Sort results by cheapest, closest, best review, or most popular
• See the amenities that matter most to you
• Guest ratings and reviews – know what everyone else is saying about a hotel before you book
• Beautiful and user friendly – finding a hotel has never looked this good or been this easy

Create your very own personal momondo profile!
• Save and sync your preferences, your search history and all your favorite flights and hotels
• Search from one device – and book from another


61828 评论
Jen McNab
often the prices are really wrong and when I go to book they are much higher.
Rahim Rashidi
The cheap prices Momondo offers are not real! I select a time period and a destination to get the cheapest price. Then the app offers to look for other cheapest dates. But once I click on them, the shown price increases! Therefore not reliable!
A Google user
Websites are submitting prices that are unrealistically low, just to jack it up after you invest your time in inputting all the details needed. I feel that it is getting worse and worse. the price differences are not just a few dollars, but hundreds of dollars higher. I think those websites are rigging their prices to get traffic from places like Momondo. I was given inaccurate prices on Momondo from: travel monster, cheep-o-air, and even Experia (to my horror).
A Google user
Useless. I put explore, from PFO, then tried all Feb, which is surprisingly difficult as it's impossible to what would be normal simply put date range. Then the app shows flights at random prices and to various places without any logical rule. You are coming back on this a month later? Bu hahaha. Isn't my description precise enough? Have you followed the steps?
Ebimobowei Doubra
This app makes it easy to book flight ticket direct from the airline.what I love most about this app is it ability to trackfares..but you guys still need to improve on some areas especially the part where I can't pick more than 2 to 3 airport near me to see prices I can easily go with..
R McGing
easy to use app always gives best prices
Amaro Weber
Best fakture other no have is " marked days in calendar when you have flihgt and it is not just marked days it is marked costs by colors so you can chose days when you have flights for oarticulair destinations and plus you can chose then cheaper
Marli Marcondes
The App have a big BUG because as a USER I choose pay using € and I made all the inputs, but when I 'll pay, the App show me the price in £. Have another issue here, the App not show me the place/button to choose the baggage for me is a big problem because I have to open all the tickets to find one ticke that offer the baggage (1×23). So...an adviser from me, these issues must be solved or the customer won't use se the App properly. Regards Marli Marcondes
A Google user
Good app but would be even better if the same functions as on the website were available. Last minute packages for example. And the possibility to chose based on geography or type of trip (beach, city etc)
A Google user
I find the updates terrible!!! Why do apps ALWAYS have to "make things better" and simultaneously f everything up? Everything back to full reset, when i search for flights to budapest i couldnt add that i was looking for direct flights. A cool addition was the local picture of the parliament, which is now changed to CLOUDS. Uninstall.
A Google user
I wish to set the duration by default, for ex at max 7 hours for a flight. I'm not interrested to fly more then 7h. Like a personal setting. Now, i have to adjust the duration every time i use the app, which is annoying when i'm searching flies to different cities. Thank you
The app is just a load of false promises and killed excitements. "5€ munich > florida" advertised on the map in reality is just lies. Another problem is that even when flights are selected, it is not clear what what is. Is it the price per person? together? one way? I can only say that whatever you see, add about something by factor 1.5 to 10
Milan Kovacevic
Displayed prices are incorrect. In my search, they advertised $1,100 for a round trip ticket, but when a click on the actual link, by United airlines, the price was $1,600. Their prices seem clickbaity. An app like this one is a time sucker for me... really not helpful. Hence 1 star.
Nils Kilden-Pedersen
Notifications don't really work. At all. I get a notification with a price and when I tap it, the main screen just comes up. If I then manually go to the price alerts, I get nothing. It's as if the developers aren't using this app themselves. EDIT: No thanks, I've clearly described the problem here. If you guys can't figure out how to copy/paste, or even use your own app, why should I bother?
A Google user
we should be able to choose our outbound and inbound flights separately instead of having to scroll and scroll down until we find the right flight combination. also the departure and arrival times in the filter section does not work well. on the whole a very good app.
A Google user
While the app design is nice, it does not take into account any of the preferences I've built into my account so I keep seeing airlines that I've flagged to avoid. Even when I adjust the filters on a flight search I've done, I'm still seeing those airlines appearing in the search results. I'll be deleting this in finding a better app to use.
Lesley Mcfadyen
very informative and easy to use.
Jay Mishra
Excellent website for finding great airfares



Oct 27, 2023
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August 24, 2023
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January 05, 2023
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momondo: Flights, Hotels, Cars - APK 信息

最新版本: 191.2
包名: com.momondo.flightsearch
安卓兼容性: 5.0+
开发者: KAYAK.com
隐私政策: https://www.momondo.com/privacy
名称: momondo: Flights, Hotels, Cars
下载量: 5M
版本: 191.2
发布日期: Oct 27, 2023
包名: com.momondo.flightsearch
开发者: KAYAK.com